Academic Conferences and Public Lectures
"Design me a House"/
"What is Your Preferred Way of Living?"
keynote speaker
Conference 'The Domestic Fantastic:
Prospective Houses, Homes & Domestic Habitats'
Royal Danish Academy, Copenhagen
30 November, 2023
Invited by Dr. Nicolas Thomas Lee
(Royal Danish Academy)
A Multidisciplinary Perspective on the City:
The Anywise Conference in Seoul, 1995
paper presentation
Symposium of Urban Design History and Theory (SUDHT)
TU Delft, Netherlands
1-3 November 2023
Session Chair: Janina Gosseye
(TU Delft)
Redefining Architecture from an Undecidable ‘Anybody’:
The Anybody Conference in Buenos Aires, 1996
paper presentation
Critic|all V : International Conference on Architectural Design & Criticism
TU Delft, Netherlands
10-11 October, 2023
Session Chair: Mariana Wilderom (FAUUSP, Universidade de São Paulo)
Writing Alternative Histories of Disaster Relief: Architecture and Humanitarianism
co-session chair
(with Fatina Abreek-Zubiedat)
Society for Architectural Historians (SAH 2023) Annual Conference
Montréal, Canada
12-16 April, 2023
Unlocking a Multidisci-plinary Discourse on Architecture and the City: The 1996 Anybody Conference in Buenos Aires
paper presentation
Ngā Pūtahitanga / Crossings: A Joint Conference of SAHANZ and the Australasian UHPH Group
University of Auckland,
25-27 November 2022
Session Chair: Cameron Logan
(The University of Sydney)
Emigrant Exchanges: Éliane Castelnau and Post-Independence Moroccan Architecture Culture
paper presentation
(with Tom Avermaete)
Society for Architectural Historians (SAH 2022) Annual Conference
Pittsburgh, USA
27 April 27- 1 May, 2022
Session Chair: Elisa Dainese
(Georgia Institute of Technology)
Gender and Urban Sociology Lectures
Public Lecture Series Fall 2021
ETH Zürich
The Chair of the History and Theory of Urban Design hosts a series of methodological lectures that explores key theories and concepts in the field of gender and urban sociology. his lectures series is part of the seminar The City Lived - Unlocking a Multidisciplinary Discourse tutored by Dr. Cathelijne Nuijsink.
Comment Vivre Ensemble: Gifu Kitagata Housing and Arata Isozaki's Urban Gestures
paper presentation
Histories of Urban Design Conference
ETH Zürich, Switzerland
15-17 November, 2021
Session Chair: Hannah leRoux (University of Witwatersrand)
Multiple Authorship: The Collaborative Production of Knowledge in the Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition (1965–2020)
paper presentation
The Great Strength of the Collective! Conference
Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space/Bamberg University
Bamberg, Germany
17-18 September, 2021
The Architecture Exhibition as Contact Zone: Towards a Historiography of Cross-Cultural Exchanges
session co-chair
(with Tom Avermaete)
Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) Annual Conference 2021, Montréal
“Plan-less,” “Non-movement,” “No Style”:
Dialectic Strategies in the Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition
paper presentation
Criticall IV Conference 2021
Sao Paulo, Brazil/ Virtual Conference
24-25 March, 2021
Session Chair: Vanessa Grosmann
(TU Delft)
Architects Revitalising a ‘Liquefied’ Japan: Shared Housing and Bottom-Up Community Building
paper presentation
17th Annual International Conference of the Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA 2020)
Nottingham, UK
19-21 November, 2020
Session Chair: Hélène Frichot
(University of Melbourne)
Rem Koolhaas’ House with No Style: the 1992 Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition Forging a “Space of Ideas”
paper presentation
The Practice of Architectural Research:
Perspectives on Design and its relation to history and theory Conference
KU Leuven & Antwerpen University, Belgium
8-9 October, 2020
Session Chair: David Vanderburgh (UCLouvain)
Architecture Competition as Cross-Cultural ‘Contact Zone’
invited guest lecture
PhD Arts Program,
Leiden University, Netherlands
18 September, 2020
Invited by Dr. Joost Grootens
(Leiden University)
An Architecture Culture of “Contact Zones”
Prospects for an Alternative Historiography of Architectural Modernism
paper presentation
Society for Architectural Historians (SAH 2020) Annual Conference
Seattle, USA/Virtual Conference
April 30-May 1, 2020
(with Tom Avermaete)
Session Chairs: Maristella Casciato (Getty Institute) & Vikramaditya Prakash (University of Washington)